Current Projects

Promoting Prosociality
Our team is engaged in work designed to encourage habitual prosocial behavior, including online interventions and community-based programs. A portion of this work is currently being funded by the California Office of the Surgeon General and Department of Health Care Services.
Measuring Prosociality
We have multiple projects aimed at developing and validating measures of prosociality and well-being, including a measure of prosocial behavioral intentions and of past prosocial behavior and prosocial identity.

Supporting College Students' Psychological Well-being
There is a robust literature on teaching practices that support college students' learning and retention, but few students have investigated how to support their psychological well-being (e.g., positive affect, sense of connectedness, sense of meaning). We are currently conducting research to fill this gap, including qualitative research on understanding students' perspectives on which practices they find to be supportive.
Additional Topics

How does technology use influence prosocial behavior and well-being?​

How does gender influence prosocial behavior?​

What are parents' beliefs about social and emotional learning?